June 16, 2021 Minutes
UHNC RNO Open Board meeting
June 15, 2021
Attending: Liz, Kent, Steve, Paul, Nick, Falene, Sherry, Don.
Approval of Meeting Minutes - The Board referred to the minutes from the May 18,2021 meeting. On a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes were unanimously- Approved.
Neighborhood Issues Updates
Crossing at Iliff Ave. and Colorado Blvd. – Liz indicated that Jody tried to get information about students living east of Colorado Blvd. It was noted that getting an accurate census involves getting a lot of information from various schools and contacts. It was determined that it’s not possible to have a crossing guard at Colorado Blvd. as Colorado Blvd. is a state highway and it is not permitted. Liz indicated that the most feasible incremental improvement would be to request a lengthening of the light. Jody will continue to work with Safe Routes to School to advocate. Sherry indicated that she would be in touch with administration at Most Precious Blood school to recruit support for our efforts toward a safe crossing for school kids.
Permit Parking – Nothing new to report.
Near Southeast Area Plan Update – Liz informed the Community that the Near Southeast Area Plan program continues. She noted that the most recent kick off meeting involved introductions of stakeholders, and that the next meeting for the project was training on equity and inclusion in connection with the Plan. Liz urged the Community members to provide any input they may have directly to the project, and sign up for informational emails pursuant to the information provided at https://www.denvergov.org/Government/Departments/Community-Planning-and-Development/Plans-in-Progress/Near-Southeast-Area-Plan
The boundaries of the Near Southeast Area are:
North: Alameda Avenue
East: Quebec Street and city limits
South: Yale Avenue
West: Colorado Boulevard and Interstate 25
Update on the Cameron Apartments – Liz informed the Community that CFC had provided an update that the parking structure was not yet ready to accommodate laborer cars but that it would be soon. It was noted that in the interim, CFC was encouraging carpooling among the workers on the Cameron project. A Community member noted that the jackhammering of late was really loud.
Community Governance Matters
Changes to the By-Laws – Liz described a proposed change to the Community’s By—Laws. The change would permit any property owner or resident within the Community/RNO boundary a vote. She further noted that the Community currently charges a $15 membership fee in order to have voting rights. Liz and Jenny will share the language to permit the more equitable voting structure for the board's consideration.
Discussion of the Annual Meeting of the Community – Pursuant to a discussion about the Annual Meeting of the Community, it was noted that the Annual Meeting is open to the public. Liz indicated that the Cameron Apartments developers would be invited to the Annual Meeting. It is customary to invite developers and groups associated with neighborhood issues to be available at the meeting, or to present. Liz and Jenny request Community suggestions for issues to cover at the annual meeting. In response to a question from a member of the Community, a discussion ensued, regarding whether the parcels of the Community located in Arapahoe County were included in voting on matters related to the Community. Liz confirmed that we had received authorization from district 4 to include all homeowners/residents within the UHNC boundary in neighborhood issues, communication and voting, specifically approval to include those residents in Arapahoe County.
Other Items of Community Interest – Sherry indicated that she attended the opening of the Highline Canal Tunnel under Hampden Ave. She further indicated that there were indeed snacks, and that the event was pleasant. The multi-unit slot house project at Iliff and Dahlia continues apace and appears to be nearing completion. The South by Southeast event is scheduled for August 21, 2021 at Bible Park, from 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. A Community member informed those present that a catalytic converter had been stolen. A discussion of the lot at Iliff Ave and Ash St where a home was recently demolished was initiated. Reference was made to a similar double lot at Harvard Ave. and Bellaire St.
Clermont Park - Don informed the Community that Clermont Park had obtained a five-star nursing home rating. It was reported that an employee of Clermont Park had been observed speeding and Don indicated that the subject was addressed at the employee meeting. It was noted that a rental on Harvard Ave. was experiencing an eviction. Discussion ensued. Don informed the Community that the restaurant within Clermont Park would be undergoing some renovation so there would be contractor trucks in the Community but that it was not a substantial project and not expected to have a major impact on the Community. He noted that the employee shuttle was not currently running and many people are catching up on visiting as a result of the lock outs for the COVID – 19 pandemic had been removed, so parking is in demand. Don also shared that although current policy still restricts community access to meeting space, Clermont Park will let us know if/when the monthly neighborhood meeting may be held there.
Next Meeting - It was determined that the next meeting of the Board would be July 20, 2021. A Community member recommended moving back to in person meetings. Liz and Jenny will look into it.
Adjournment – There being no additional items for the meeting and the allotted time having expired, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Leone