We have done a lot, but there's lots to do.
Join us - you can be a part!
Our neighborhood has been growing rapidly over the last decade. We have been working to foster and build on what makes this community amazing. The RNO has been busy fighting for improved infrastructure to support our growth, and ensuring respect, collaboration and engagement with developers who build in our community. Our approach is positive and engaged dialogue paired with strong advocacy. We want to recognize and thank our District 4 Councilwoman, Kendra Black, for her support.
Below are recent accomplishments and a sample of what we continue to advocate for, and what you can be involved in! Check it out.
Investments to benefit University Hills North residents and the future of our community.
Successful campaign to secure 2 acres in our neighborhood to build a pocket park - planning will begin in 2022!
Ongoing, active engagement and collaboration with developers
Good Neighbor Agreement signed with developers at Cameron Apartments property, and corresponding, additive agreements written into the development agreement with the city.
Good Neighbor Agreement signed with the developers on the SE corner of Colorado Blvd and Evans - project currently on hold, but agreement remains in place, and takes into account the possibility of future sale.
Good Neighbor Agreement signed with Clermont Park: A Denver Life Plan Community.
Collaborated to create a "small area plan" to help guide developers in the North end of our neighborhood (Colo to I-25 and Evans to Iliff) where much of the near transit development is focused.
Pushed for and succeeded in having UHills North included in the Near South East Denver Neighborhood Planning Initiative. This advocacy successfully shaved a decade or more off of our wait and timeline for City supported Neighborhood Planning.
Applied for and received multiple Vision Zero traffic calming grants for East Yale Avenue. Planned and supported events near the UHills Plaza and Shopping Center entrances. This brought visibility to the desperate need for safe crossing from our neighborhood to the amenities immediately to the south.
Successfully campaigned to improve the crosswalk at Colorado Blvd and Iliff with the installation of a leading crosswalk to assist pedestrians. A first step and more improvements are needed.
Collaborated with and engaged the marketing manager of the University Hills Plaza where they now host a summer Farmers Market - right in our community!
Redeveloped website to represent the dynamic nature of our neighborhood.
Designed and placed "ENGAGE" signs to actively market our RNO and being involved.
How we show up as volunteers to support the District 4 community
annually at the South by South East festival
as active stakeholders in the Yale Corridor committee
as active stakeholders in the South East Mobility Hubs Project
as stakeholders in the SoCo (South Colorado Boulevard) visioning
representing the RNO in a marketing campaign at the UHills Farmers Market
as an active member on the Parking Permit Stakeholder Working Group
serving on the steering committee for the Near South East Denver Neighborhood Planning Initiative
What we are working on now - you can be involved!
Inspire UHills North residents to engage in the Near South East Neighborhood Planning Initiative
Campaign for better, safer mobility within our community and the surrounding areas
Improve the safety for crossing Yale Ave between Dahlia and Clermont
Improve our neighborhood access to the Colorado light rail station, and sidewalks along Yale to the Yale Station
Organize and implement a Safe Routes to School program to our neighborhood elementary school University Park
Create a permanent traffic calming plan for the intersection at Warren and Dexter
Develop relationships between the RNO and businesses within our boundaries
In 2022, begin planning for our park!
Bring your ideas and invest your time in your community.