Jan 18, 2022 Minutes

UHNC RNO Open Board meeting

January 18, 2022

Attending: Jenny, Paul, Liz, Steve, Laurie, Falene, Jody, Terry, Carolyn, Sherry, Michaela; guests: Libbie and Tyler

  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes - The Board referred to the minutes from the November 16, 2021 meeting. On a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes were unanimously- Approved.

  1. Community Development - Tyler Downs of Wazee Partners provided a presentation to the Community. Wazee Partners is the developer of the Wesley Professional Building site at 4101 E Wesley Ave. He informed the Community that the Wesley Professional Building is scheduled for demolition but that the demolition had been delayed as the result of discovering more asbestos within the structure than originally anticipated. He noted that the demolition was now scheduled for February 2022. He further informed the Community that the development would be 22 townhomes in 4 buildings of 3 bedrooms 3 ½ bath townhomes. Tyler accepted questions from the Community and discussion ensued. The following topics were discussed:

  1. The impact on views from the properties backing up to the east (driveway) side of the development, houses on Ash Street. Tyler indicated that Wazee Partners would work with the neighbors and that a fence of up to 8 ft. could be constructed consistent with current zoning but that a 12 ft. fence might be too tall.

  1. The question of dumpster garbage service versus City totes was discussed. Tyler indicated that the development was permitted to use dumpster service instead of totes because the HOA of the development would pay for the dumpster service, instead of getting free service from the City. He noted that the dumpster(s) would be within a secured enclosure.

  1. Traffic, transit, sidewalks, snow removal, bike racks, and mobility generally were discussed.

  1. Parking on Wesley was discussed and Tyler indicated that the parking in front of the development was not yet finalized with the City. However, he indicated that the parking on the north side of Wesley would likely be public. Because of the structure of the development, there would only be one curb cut to access the driveway of the development, and Tyler indicated that the road frontage spaces would not be designated a fire lane so would be public and available.

  1. Construction parking was discussed and a Community member indicated that area churches might be amenable of renting construction parking to the developer. The Board indicated that they would attempt to contact the churches about construction parking, and Tyler indicated they were in favor of securing dedicated construction parking and would like to talk to the churches (.i.e. Most Precious Blood, Calvery Chapel, Hope Fellowship.)

  1. In response to a question from a Community member about why the development was not considered a “slot house”, which have been curtailed by the City, Tyler indicated the primary differentiator was that the front of the units on the south end of the development would face the north side of Wesley, as opposed to a transverse set up were the end of two units would face the street with the driveway in the middle, typical of other “slot house” developments in the Community and elsewhere in Denver.

  1. Community Planning and Development – Libbie Adams of City and County of Denver Community Planning and Development gave a presentation concerning the Near SE Area Plan. Information about the Near SE Area Plan may be found here. Libbie informed the Community that Phase I of the Plan was completed in 2021. She then reviewed the presentation. In response to questions from the Community, Libbie answered questions about how the information from the Plan is used and how it is coordinated with other development plans for the city and the Community.

  1. Other Business

Replacement of Water Mains – Denver Water has started a water main replacement project. The project is affecting the area on Warren, near Bellaire and Birch as well as on Colorado Blvd South of Evans North of Iliff. Information about this Denver Water project can be found here.

Community Clean Up Day – The Community engaged in a discussion of implementing a Community Clean Up Day. It was determined that a date and a rain date would be set soon. It was noted that there should not be undue delay into March as there is a substantial possibility of snow. It was further determined that the date would likely be set for a Saturday.

Community Business Cards – The Board indicated that Community business cards had been printed. Sherry said that interested Community members could pick up cards at her house.

Grants for Traffic Calming – The Community engaged in a discussion of applying for grants relating to traffic calming. The discussion primarily revolved around the process of obtaining approval for applying for such grants. It was determined that such approval of the Board or Community, as appropriate, could be obtained by written consent (email) between meetings and that there was no need to wait until a formal meeting of the Board or Community to advance such an application.

YMCA – Jenny provided an update on the redevelopment of the Schlessman/University Hills YMCA. She informed the Community that meetings on the matter continue. She urged interested parties to attend the meetings on this matter. She noted that members of the University Park community were very vocal in their opinions of the proposed density of the redevelopment and that there was substantial pushback about the development at the first meeting in 2021. Information about the development, including presentations from prior meetings can be found here.

Permit Parking – Michaela provided an update on the City’s evaluation of permit parking. She noted that it was a slow process. She noted that there were currently about 10,000 parking permit holders and that a survey process was ongoing and that a future meeting was scheduled to discuss feedback from the survey. It was anticipated that final rules and regulations would be issued in the summer 2022. Information about the Denver Strategic Parking Plan can be found here.

Boarded Property Demolition – A Community member offered that the owner of properties at Iliff and Dexter indicated that the boarded up houses at that location would be demolished in the next month or so.

  1. Next Meeting - It was determined that the next meeting of the Board would be February 15, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

  1. Adjournment – There being no additional items for the meeting and the allotted time having expired, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


Paul Leone
