Feb 15th, 2022 minutes
UHNC RNO Open Board meeting
February 15, 2022
Attending: Jenny, Laurie, Paul, Noreen, Steve, Jody, Jack, Will, Dan, Dirk, Liz.
Approval of Meeting Minutes - The Board referred to the minutes from the January 18, 2022 meeting. On a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes were unanimously- Approved.
Community Development - Jack, of Resolute provided a presentation on Resolute’s real estate development at Ash and Warren and Bellare. He noted that Resolute was a Colorado family company. He described two redevelopments that Resolute was initiating in the Community:
2133 S. Bellaire Street The site was initially configured as a U-shaped motel and is currently leased as individual office units. Jack indicated that the structure had reached the end of its useful life. The project plan is to demolish the structures on the property and construct residences. Jack provided an overview of the zoning and the project. He noted the area is zoned CMX-5, which would permit up to 5 story structures or about 60-75 feet tall. He informed the Community that the project would be 4 stories and about 57 feet tall, with first floor parking for about 38 cars. He noted that the development would have 45 rental units of one bedroom and studio apartments. He described the rent on the units and the overall approach as “more affordable” with specific reference to Community developments such as Decco and the Cameron.
2175 S Bellaire St
2195 S Bellaire St
2176 S Ash St
2186 S Ash St
2196 S Ash St The site currently consists of 5 single family one story homes on the south third of the block. Jack noted that the area is zoned GMU 3 permitting multi-family structures of 3 stories of about 30-45 feet. Jack indicated this project would be about 35 feet tall 3 story townhomes. He indicated that the project would consist of 25 units, studios, one bedrooms and few 2 bedrooms. He indicated there would be about 50 parking spaces. He informed the Community that it had not yet been determined if the units would be rental or for sale. He indicated this development would also be a “more affordable option”.
In response to a question from a Community member, Jack indicated that no price points had been set on the projects. He noted that with the historically heated real estate, it was difficult to determine pricing on developments will not come to market for several months. He offered a current reference rate of $2 - $2.50 per square foot and reference rent of about $1500 - $2500 per month, depending on the size of the particular unit.
The following topics were discussed:
Parking and preferences for parking were discussed.
The scale of the two projects was discussed.
The timeline of the projects was discussed, and Jack indicated that it was projected that both projects would be going in earnest within 10 months. Jack informed the Community that it was projected that the houses on Ash and Bellare would be demolished beginning within the next 60 days (April 2022) and the demolition of the motel/office units would begin within 6 months (August 2022).
Snow removal in connection with the projects was discussed.
The orientation of the projects, relative to the existing streets and sidewalks was discussed.
Traffic was discussed.
Drainage in the area of Ash and Warren was discussed.
Community Clean Up Day
The Board informed the Community that a Community Clean Up Day is scheduled for February 26, 2022, at 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. The Clean Up will begin at Warren Ave and Dexter Street and work to the west. Flyers have been made for the event. A discussion of the flyers, and the printing and distribution thereof ensued. A discussion of posting the information for the event on Next Door followed. It was noted that the Community’s Facebook and Twitter social media would be updated with information about the event.
Grant Funding – Traffic Calming
Jody provided an update on grant funding. She indicated that the Community had joined the Road to Zero Coalition and noted that the Community was a good candidate for grant funding. Jody described areas of focus for proposed funding requests.
Access to the Colorado Station RTD Station from the Community Across Evans
Crossing Colorado Boulevard at Iliff – Access to University Park and Most Precious Blood schools
Dexter and Warren – large wall canvas for grant projects. Also, Century Link Building @ Evans and Ash
Other Business
Replacement of Lead Water Leads – The Denver Water program to replace lead water lines into residences in the Community continues. The project has moved further north in the Community and is now affecting the area on Warren, near Bellaire and Birch. Information about the Denver Water Lead Reduction Program can be found here.
Next Meeting - It was determined that the next meeting of the Board would be March 15, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment – There being no additional items for the meeting and the allotted time having expired, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Leone