2022 Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting – Thursday, May 12

6-8pm, 2400 S. Ash St.

District 3 Officers – Young & Pacheco

Property Crimes

  • Burglaries – increase in garage burglaries – even if you are in the back yard or nearby close the garage door

  • Home burglaries from windows being left open – keep everything locked up

  • Lock boxes cut off of businesses and keys used to get in – do not use this kind of lock anymore

  • Porch Pirates – solutions could be have delivered to secure site, a neighbor, of have a neighbor pick up

  • Bikes – secure them, there has been a big uptick in bike thefts – sometimes they are taken off patios. Steps you can take in addition to securing. Take a pix of the serial number, pix of yourself w bike – to prove it is you and your property, date and time stamped

Vehicles – theft from cars – real and perceived valuables taken. Be more aware – do not leave things in your cars. Takes just a couple seconds to break the window and grab what is visible.

  • License plates – people are stealing them off cars at King Soopers, or in other parking lots. Keep an eye out – also you can get anti theft screws to secure your license plates – they have them for all cars except volvos, teslas, minis, and BMWs.

  • Catalytic converters – you can get an etching kit or borrow one from the station – etch in the last 8 digits of the VIN and your plate number. Trying to get legislation passed to hold the metal folks accountable so they do not benefit any more.

  • Car thefts – 17.5% of all car thefts in District 3 involve keys being left in cars. Folks are leaving cars running with keys in to warm cars, or keep them cool. Sometimes doordash folks leave the cars running and go into apts. Be aware. Also even if you park in a locked garage, do not leave your keys in your car. Effective deterrent = Clubs. If you own one of the top 10 most stolen vehicles, you can get a club for free from the district (grant funded). Vehicles on the top 10 list right now are listed on our website here.

Upcoming district 3 events:

7th of June – Explorer program for kids 14 age to 19 , chief will be there too

Monthly coffee with cops @Nixon’s – first Weds of the month – very casual – please come

Questions from community:

What about the homeless situations? Homeless outreach process – call 311 or go to pocketgov.org, choose encampment in the drop down to report new encampments. First action will be an early intervention team to help folks find a better solution.

Encampment near Evans and I-25 – community members have reported it repeatedly but nothing done. Have been told “it is complicated”. What is the issue? The property is managed by CDOT – and they only have one outreach team that takes care of all CDOT encampments. In addition the person who led the outreach team passed away. New hires and folks are getting up to speed. Be patient. We don’t want to write tickets that people can’t pay. We have to follow their process. CDOT did advise at least one of the camps today.

Are you bringing back the self defense classes for women? – They aren’t currently running them due to the pandemic but they think it may be coming back. When they do come back, keep an eye out for notification either through KCouncilwoman Black’s newsletter or the UHNC website.

What about litter? Is there a different number than 311? 311 is the way to report litter.

You mentioned an increase in garage theft, and great increase in bikes – what does that mean? Percentages and actual numbers for comparison requested. You can get those numbers at the CAD meeting or on the interactive crime map on the DPD website here.

What is the best way to access info on the CAD meetings? Notices are usually posted on nextdoor – that is the most accurate place because up to date

How do we advocate for our neighborhood with speeding, blowing off stop signs? Contact the traffic unit, and follow up with Officer Young. Officer Young or Officer Pacheco will make sure to follow up on our requests. On larger roads (not residential), you can request a photo radar van – on 311 – indicate what street, what direction. You can request individual officers/motorcycle cops to be stationed in a particular area.

Change in the law for bicycles – will you talk us through? Bicycles are still required to stop if there are cars that have the right of way. If the intersection is clear, you can pause then go through. If clear, bicycle riders may treat stop signs as yield signs, and red lights as stop signs. If you hit the bicyclist, it is your fault unless you had the right of way. Slowing down then just going is not yielding.

To repaint double yellow line stripes, who do we call? Call 311 to repaint double yellow line stripes. Particular intersection by Cherry/Harvard - Jenny will call 311 on that.

Can we get bollards? – along Iliff?

For any city service that is not the police – call 311, or pocketgov.org

Email is the best for reaching out the officers: kate.young@denvergov.org or antonio.pacheco@denvergov.org

Councilwoman Kendra Black

Has represented since July 2015 – she is only serving one more year, not going for a 3rd term

UHills Park update – in 2019, residents of UHills North working with Councilwoman Black’s office, got the city of Denver to buy the GroundCovers property for a pocket park. Located between Iliff and Warren, Birch and Clermont – 2 acres of land. At that time the city told us it would be done in 2023 – and that is what they still say will happen. There is funding for it. Planning to build it in 2023.

This summer the Master planner will be engaging with our community to find out what the community would like. They really do listen – show up and be engaged. Let them know what features we would like in the park. Kendra will share when the master planner will be bringing people together in her newsletter. Jenny and Liz will put the information and invitation to engage out there too

Other fun stuff - Middle and High School kids advocated for a skate park, BMX too. Potential location identified by Kennedy Golf Course – Denver Parks and Rec can use the space for any rec purpose. Parks Dept is looking at developing “Recreation hubs” with different activities all together. Cool infrastructure existing at Kennedy. On June 5th – Kendra’s office is hosting a pop up skate park for kids – fun free event, food, loaner equip, skateboarding lessons – come yourself, and bring kids.

South by Southeast on August 20th in Bible Park. Come! It’s a great bike ride from here. 7k people usually attend. There is a beer garden, food courts and games – it will be the last one since it is Kendra’s last year.

Kendra continues to advocate for parks, and mobility improvements. She wants to see medians along Colorado Boulevard like the ones that have been put in along Hampden. Changes and implementation, everything is super slow with the city – she will continue to advocate. Getting some studies done on Evans – connecting better to the light rail station.

Mobility improvements are really important to her. People are motivated right now because gas costs so much. We need to drive less – we need to make it easier. Air quality will benefit. Last summer we had more high ozone days than we have in the history of Denver.

City implementing two policy changes:

  • Expanding housing affordability – new developments will be required to include affordable units. Right now, not required – some places have 10%. Garden Court by Yale Station is affordable. Once law passes the developers will be required to provide. What is affordable? What is considered affordable is based on the area median income – Denver 58K, and the premise that you spend no more than 30% of your income on rent. Average price right now $1800 /mo. Denver is the 5th least affordable city in the US. Employers struggling to find workers – people who take those jobs can’t afford to live in Denver.

  • Fee for trash pick up – right now we get free landfill trash, and free recycle. Changes will incentivize better behavior. Denver has low diversion rates – right now, only divert 26% of our waste. Generates methane – 25x worse than carbon dioxide. This incentivized policy has been proven successful in reducing the amount of waste that goes to the landfill. Beginning this fall, if passed, you will have the option to get a small black bin for $9/mo. Free weekly composting and recycling – and fee for the landfill.

Questions from the community:

New development where the La Quinta is – do you know anything about it? Will they be required to include affordable units? It is in Paul Kashmann’s district, Kendra will ask about it. If site plans have already been approved, then not held to the new policy. YMCA project will be building affordable units. If your plans are already approved, you won’t be required. Anyone else will be required.

What about the traffic in this part of town – we are on Dahlia – traffic increase is coming from areas that are high density housing – what should we do about it? Until we have enough housing the prices will continue to go up. Before the recession we had too much housing – then recession – builders quit building housing. Have to build houses – more millennials than boomers now. We have to plan for people, and people drive cars. This is just one of the reasons why Kendra is advocating for ways to get people out of their cars. Suburban sprawl – all those people get in their cars and drive to Denver every day. Is a transportation issue. Denver was designed for cars – had street cars but took it out. Lightrail – is not convenient. RTD – people joke it stands for Reasons to Drive. Solution – each of us should find ways to drive less. 3.5 million people live in the metro area. If you look around, you often see people in a car by themselves.

UHills area, the letter from a guy who wanted to get rid of the covenants – what happened with that? When he heard how upset the community was with his plans, the guy bailed out. There is an update on the website. And we hope to continue this conversation.

Is there any way to keep South by Southeast? Email or call Kendra – will connect us with the people we need. DOTI – She will do her best to help with issues.

Property next to Entenmanns, what is going in there? A gas station is going in.

The whole reason for apts and townhomes – folks were going to use light rail, but people have their cars. In urban planning you want people to live where there is transit. COVID decimated RTD and the light rail. Hopefully people will start coming back. State legislature is giving a month of free RTD this summer to help reduce ozone. Density near transit is a proven successful urban development strategy. Strategies like widening roads to free up traffic only makes things worse. Think Los Angeles.

Free RTD in summer – will it be announced in your newsletter? Yes

Not safe on RTD, have experienced people smoking and doing drugs. RTD is aware – they are trying to solve the situation at Union Station, as an example.

Community member offered - Taking the train downtown with a kid – it is fun, more interesting. She does it all the time. Also takes the Evans bus – it is on-time, fun for kids and easy. Easy light rail and RTD experience, seconded by another community member. Don’t let one bad experience influence your future decisions, give it another shot.

Advice for people who want to engage around improving mobility? Denver Streets Partnership – mobility advocates, they lobby the city all of the time. They are a great group to join up with.

In general, please feel free to email Kendra. Kendra’s opinion - Pocketgov.org is better than 311 for reporting. If you don’t hear back from the city, reach out to Kendra’s office – she will follow up.

Denver Academy – Mark T

Head of school at DA – super cool to see so many human beings in person!

Last time he attended the annual meeting he was talking about the new athletic center. Happy to announce that project is completed.

Done fundraising and about to begin construction on a new Performing Arts Center. Demo will begin in June – of the former gym and some of the buildings that face Iliff. They will also be putting in a storm sewer project from Birch to east of Cherry – along the property on Iliff. Rain garden or detention pond – will be at the front of the campus – it will be beautiful. 12 month project all in – should be done by this time next year. Mark understands the disruption of construction traffic and messiness in the neighborhood. Denver Academy is very responsive. Reach out if anything happens – they want to be good neighbors.

Questions from community members:

Is the performing arts center going to be available for public use? That is their intention – of course, being built for students but is open for the community. Last week, Mark did a presentation at Clermont Park – plans for collaboration on concerts, performances.

How do we contact you? Contact number – 303 – 777- 5870 – ask for the head of school.

Detention pond – year round water? No, it will be dry 95% of the time. It is designed to collect rain water from the surfaces.

Will you still be releasing the water into the neighborhood? There was a time when we did not have rain gardens and we used to empty the pond with a pump into the neighborhood streets. Now, only when the water gets to a certain level it will drain. With earlier construction, added rain gardens which also helps.

Can you tell us a bit about the school? 425 students, 450 next year – enrollment has gone up. Started as a school in 1972 – started specializing in serving kids with learning disabilities – now have everybody. Grades 2-12.

There is a high cost to attend, would there be a way to offer scholarships to neighbors? Accessibility to the school and its resources is important to Mark. Tuition is 30K per year. Do offer some scholarships. Mark has been at the school for 35 years – when he arrived, he made the change that allowed faculty a staff a discount – would love to offer more discounts. Have a lot of work to do on that. Increasing diversity is a goal too.

If you have any issues kids or grown-ups, please call to let us know.

Tyler Downs – Wazee partners

Grew up in south Uhills – rode bike to DQ and Kokoro – knows the area and streets really well

Developing the property right behind the Kokoro on Wesley Ave – 22 townhomes – site development plan has been approved. It’s been a long process. Asbestos abatement – done. Demo permit received last week. When demo done, it should help with some of the folks camping on the property. Break ground this summer. Date for breaking ground, not set yet. Intend to be good neighbors throughout the construction. Minimizing the parking impact and construction impacts – Tyler has maintained good communication and connection with the RNO. He is committed to putting a face to the name, and to be accountable to residents.

Questions from Community members:

How tall will the townhomes be? 3 stories – similar to the ones to the north.

How much will the price be? Not sure – if you can tell me how much lumber will cost, I could take a guess. More on price later.

Will there be bike parking? Yes.

Jenny and Liz, co-presidents

All of the Registered Neighborhood Organization (RNO) board positions are up for renewal. Jenny and Liz have served two terms (4 years), and put out the invitation to the community to engage, to consider a board position (including leadership positions like president, vice president, etc), invitation to attend neighborhood meetings. It’s fun, there is a lot going on – it is a great way to get to know neighbors, to help our community in its growth. At the next meeting on June 21st, we will nominate and vote on positions.

Jenny and Liz shared some upcoming projects – like the neighborhood planning initiative, park visioning; updating and re-drafting the covenants to address contemporary needs, and limiting density on the south side of the neighborhood.

Community members expressed gratitude for the board, and for Jenny and Liz’s efforts.

We thank YOU – and do hope you will join us in supporting our neighborhood!

In addition to our speaking guests we had:

Jody promoting her efforts to get traffic calming street art in our neighborhood and has started a campaign for comments and suggestions. Link here to add your feedback.

Claudia and Slavica represented the YMCA and the developer (respectively). They were available to provide information and solicit feedback from the community regarding the plans for redeveloping the YMCA site at Yale and Colorado Blvd.

Libbie from the City and County of Denver was available to provide information and gather feedback from community members in regards to the Neighborhood Planning Initiative. Our part of the greater University Hills neighborhood (North of Yale) was added to the Near South East Denver planning that began in 2021. For more information please go to their site here.

Carlos with the Eisenhower recreation center was available to share information about upcoming events and opportunities available through the rec center.

Don’t forget! The UHills Farmers Market has begun. Please visit the West side of the parking lot of University Hills Plaza (2500 S Colorado Blvd.) on Saturdays, through October, from 9am to 1pm for great produce, food, drinks, flowers, wellness and crafts